
JCCL Ecosystem

AboutAbout the JCCL Ecosystem

We have received numerous inquiries from many customers, leading us to recognize that carbon dioxide recovery is a significant societal challenge. Our customers have expressed concerns about a lack of understanding within their organizations, uncertainty about where to begin, an interest in using their own technology for carbon dioxide separation, and doubts about the applicability of JCCL technology to their specific challenges. To support these customers, we established the "JCCL Ecosystem" as a platform for easy consultation on carbon dioxide recovery. We sincerely hope that many customers will join us in the JCCL Ecosystem to collaboratively explore solutions to these challenges.

We have created the JCCL Ecosystem logo! Our members are encouraged to feature this logo on their websites, showcasing their company's dedication to carbon neutrality.


Membership ServicesJCCL Ecosystem Member Service

  • 01

    We are available at any time to discuss carbon dioxide recovery and reuse tailored to your needs.
    We will work together to develop scenarios for achieving carbon neutrality.

  • 02

    You can participate in seminars (1-2 times a year).

  • 03

    You are also eligible to participate in several exclusive membership-only option cases.

OptionsVarious options exclusively for members.

For member companies, we offer the following options tailored to your needs.
Please feel free to consult us about any other requests you may have.

  • Case Study 01

    JCCL technology evaluation by customers

    ・Providing absorbent materials and more from JCCL to customers.
    ・Evaluation by customers and proposing next actions based on the results.

  • Case Study 02

    On-site investigation at the customer's location.

    ・Investigation of CO₂ emission sources at the customer's site.
    ・On-site investigation and creation of proposal reports for CO₂ recovery.

  • Case Study 03

    Customer-provided material testing within JCCL.

    ・Customer-conducted material testing, including bringing materials, at the JCCL site.
    ・Our staff will also assist during the process. (Expected to take about two days)


  • Agreement to the Terms of Membership.
  • Completion of the contract application form input.
  • Membership registration completed.

Please read the membership terms and conditions below.
If you agree to the membership terms and conditions, please check the checkbox below.
Also, fill in the information on the application form and press the submit button.
For member companies, we plan to list the company name and company logo as companies that support the JCCL Ecosystem on our company's website, etc.

  • Ecosystem Membership Terms

    These terms (referred to as "these Terms") set forth the conditions for using the JCCL Ecosystem (referred to as "the Ecosystem") provided by JCCL, Inc. (referred to as "our company"). These Terms apply to all corporations, institutions, etc. (referred to as "Members") that are members of the Ecosystem.

    Article 1 (Agreement to these Terms)


    Members shall use the Ecosystem in accordance with these Terms, and unless they agree to these Terms, they shall not be able to use the Ecosystem. The provisions stipulated in separate contracts agreed upon between our company and Members regarding the Ecosystem, as well as documents distributed, delivered, or posted by our company (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Individual Agreements"), shall constitute a part of these Terms between Members and our company.


    Unless otherwise specified in the Individual Agreements, the Ecosystem Membership Contract (referred to as the "Ecosystem Membership Contract") based on the provisions of these Terms shall be established between the applicant for membership and our company at the time when our company accepts the application of the applicant for membership.

    Article 2 (Amendment or Modification of These Terms)


    Our company may amend these Terms at any time based on the provisions of Article 548-4 of the Civil Code if any of the following items apply. The Ecosystem Membership Contract after these Terms have been amended will be subject to the amended version of these Terms.
    (1) When the amendment to these Terms is in line with the general interests of the members.
    (2) When the amendment to these Terms does not contradict the purpose of the contract and is reasonable considering the necessity of the amendment, the adequacy of the amended content, and other circumstances related to the amendment.


    When our company makes changes to these Terms, we will specify the effective date of the amended Terms and inform the members of the content and effective date of the amended Terms at least two weeks before the effective date through notification, display on our company's website, or other methods specified by our company, to ensure awareness among the members.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding two paragraphs, members shall be deemed to have consented to the amended membership terms by continuing to receive services as members after the changes have been made to these Terms.

    Article 3(Member registration)

    Prospective members can apply for membership registration by filling out the application form on our company's website. Once our company accepts such an application, the applicant becomes a member.

    Article 4 (Annual Fee and Validity Period)


    Members shall pay the annual fee separately specified by our company to the financial institution account designated by our company through the method of bank transfer by the payment deadline determined by our company. Transfer fees shall be borne by the members.


    The validity period of a member shall be from the date of the conclusion of the Ecosystem Membership Contract to the end of the following June. However, if the member does not provide written notice of non-renewal to our company by three months prior to the expiration date, the Ecosystem Membership Contract shall be extended for an additional one-year term under the same conditions and shall continue further in the same manner.

    Article 5 (Services Provided to Members)

    Our company will provide the following services to members. In addition, if our company obtains the member's consent in advance and incurs transportation expenses, travel expenses, accommodation expenses, or other necessary expenses estimated for the execution of the following services, our company can bill the member for these expenses. In the event of receiving such a bill, the member shall pay these expenses to our company in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 1.
    (1) Consultations related to carbon dioxide recovery
    (2) Conducting seminars for members (up to twice a year)

    Article 6 (Optional Services Provided to Members)

    Our company and members can enter into individual service outsourcing contracts for the following services. The costs will be specified separately in the individual service outsourcing contracts.
    (1) On-site investigation for members (checking carbon dioxide concentration, equipment verification, report creation, etc.)
    (2) Support for technical evaluation by members (providing samples of absorbent materials, individual discussions, etc.)
    (3) Testing of member-provided materials (conducted within our company)
    (4) Other tasks related to the preceding items

    Article 7 (Late Payment Damages)

    If a member fails to make payment for fees or other charges based on these Terms by the specified payment deadline, the member shall pay late payment damages calculated at an annual rate of 14.6% for the number of days from the day following the specified payment deadline to the day before the actual payment date.

    Article 8 (Person in Charge of Management)


    Members shall designate a person in charge of management for the Ecosystem and conduct communication with our company through the designated person.


    If there is a change in the person in charge of management, the member shall promptly notify our company.


    Members shall have the person in charge of management ensure compliance with these Terms and shall bear responsibility as a member for all acts, expressions of intent, notifications, and other actions taken by the person in charge of management.

    Article 9 (Notification of Changes)

    When falling under any of the following items, a member shall promptly notify our company of the change details through the person in charge of management using the method prescribed by our company.
    (1) When attempting to change the representative
    (2) When attempting to change the corporate name
    (3) When attempting to change the address
    (4) When attempting to change the telephone number, email address, or other contact information provided to our company as contact details
    (5) When any changes occur in the registration status

    Article 10 (Handling of Personal Information)


    Our company shall handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the separate Privacy Policy established by our company (referred to as the "Privacy Policy").


    Our company shall not use for any purpose other than providing the Ecosystem any personal information included in the data input into the Ecosystem. Our company shall take reasonable security measures to protect personal information from risks such as loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage, based on the law on the protection of personal information and the Privacy Policy, and manage it carefully.


    The company shall promptly and responsibly dispose of any personal information that is no longer necessary for providing the ecosystem, without retaining any copies under its responsibility.


    The provisions of this clause shall remain effective even after the termination of the ecosystem membership agreement.

    Article 11 (Subcontracting)

    The company may, when necessary, subcontract all or part of the tasks performed by the company to a third party. In this case, the company shall impose obligations equivalent to those it bears under the ecosystem membership agreement on the subcontractor, and the company shall be responsible to the member for any breach of obligations by the subcontractor.

    Article 12 (Prohibited Activities)

    Members must not engage in any of the following acts when using the ecosystem:
    (1) Acts that infringe upon the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the company, other members, or third parties (including acts that directly or indirectly cause such infringement).
    (2) Acts related to criminal activities or acts contrary to public order and morals.
    (3) Acts that violate laws, regulations, or internal rules of self-regulatory organizations to which the company or the member belongs.
    (4) Acts that interfere with the use of other members or have the potential to do so.
    (5) Acts that may hinder the operation of the ecosystem conducted by the company.
    (6) Acts that provide benefits to antisocial forces or similar entities.
    (7) Other acts deemed inappropriate by the company.

    Article 13 (Measures against Violation of Terms, etc.)


    In cases where a member falls under any of the following reasons, the company may temporarily suspend the member's use of the ecosystem or terminate the ecosystem membership agreement without prior notice or warning:
    (1) Violation of any provision of this agreement.
    (2) Discovery of false information provided to the company for the use of the ecosystem.
    (3) Use or attempted use of the ecosystem for purposes or methods that could cause damage to the company, other members, or third parties.
    (4) Interference with the operation of the ecosystem, regardless of the means.
    (5) Suspension of payment, insolvency, commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, or similar procedures, or the filing of such petitions.
    (6) Dishonor or any similar action taken on self-issued or accepted bills or checks, or suspension of transactions by a bill exchange.
    (7) Filing of seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, or auction.
    (8) Imposition of measures for non-payment of taxes and public dues.
    (9) No response to communication from the company for a period of one month.


    In the event that a member falls under any of the reasons stated in the preceding paragraph or if temporary suspension as stipulated in the preceding paragraph or termination of the ecosystem membership agreement is executed, the member shall automatically forfeit any advantage of term with regard to all monetary obligations owed to the company, and must immediately settle all debts, even without notification or warning from the company.


    The company shall not bear any responsibility for damages incurred by members due to actions taken by the company based on this clause.

    Article 14 (Compensation for Damages)


    In the event that the company causes damages to a member due to a violation of this agreement, the company shall compensate the member for such damages.


    If a member causes damages to the company due to a violation of this agreement or in relation to the use of the ecosystem, the member shall be obligated to compensate the company for such damages.


    If a member receives claims from other members or third parties related to the ecosystem or becomes involved in disputes with them, the member must immediately notify the company of the details. The member shall handle such claims or disputes at their own expense and responsibility, and provide the company with reports on the progress and outcomes based on the company's requests.


    In relation to the use of the ecosystem by a member, if the company receives any claims from other members or third parties due to rights infringement or other reasons, the member shall compensate the company for any amounts the company is compelled to pay to such third parties based on those claims.


    Regardless of the provisions in paragraphs 1 and 2, the parties to the ecosystem membership agreement shall not be held liable for damages arising from special circumstances (including damages that the company or the member could have foreseen with respect to the occurrence of damages).


    Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, when the company compensates a member for damages caused by the company, the total amount of accumulated annual fees for the ecosystem received from that member shall serve as an upper limit.

    Article 15 (Confidentiality)


    Both the member and the company shall not use any confidential information disclosed by the other party for any purposes other than the use, operation, provision, or improvement of the ecosystem. They shall also refrain from disclosing or leaking such information to third parties. Confidential information, in any form including documents, electronic data, verbal communication, or any other form, regardless of whether it is designated as secret or explicitly stated to be confidential, refers to technical, business, or managerial information related to the ecosystem that has been disclosed by the other party.


    The following information shall not be considered confidential information:
    (1) Information that the recipient already possessed at the time of disclosure.
    (2) Information that was already publicly known at the time of disclosure or became publicly known subsequently for reasons not attributable to the recipient.
    (3) Information lawfully obtained from third parties after disclosure.
    (4) Information independently developed or created without reliance on the disclosed confidential information.
    (5) Information requested to be disclosed based on legal provisions or court orders.


    Both the member and the company may disclose confidential information only to employees, contractors, external advisors, and others who have a confidentiality obligation and are necessary for the use, operation, provision, or improvement of the ecosystem. These individuals include those engaged in their respective roles regardless of their employment, delegation, or outsourcing contract types.


    Upon the termination of the ecosystem membership agreement due to the end of the ecosystem, termination of the agreement, or any other reason, both the member and the company shall promptly return or dispose of confidential information as instructed by the other party. When disposing of confidential information, methods that prevent its reuse shall be employed.

    Article 16 (Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights)

    The member and the company acknowledge that all rights, including but not limited to patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, copyrights (including rights defined in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act), and trademark rights, pertaining to all inventions, designs, creations, works, trademarks, trade names, and any other representations of goods or services used in business operations, as well as technically or commercially valuable information related to business activities that constitute the ecosystem, belong to the company or to third parties to whom the company has granted usage rights.

    Article 17 (Termination of Agreement)

    A member may terminate the ecosystem membership agreement by submitting a written request to the company with a notice period of up to three months. In this case, the member cannot request any refund of annual fees or other costs from the company.

    Article 18 (Changes, Suspension, and Termination of Ecosystem)


    Upon the termination of the ecosystem membership agreement due to the end of the ecosystem, termination of the agreement, or any other reason, both the member and the company shall promptly return or dispose of confidential information as instructed by the other party. When disposing of confidential information, methods that prevent its reuse shall be employed.


    The company may suspend or interrupt the entire or partial use of the ecosystem if any of the following conditions apply. In such cases, the company will strive to provide the member with advance notice whenever possible:
    (1) When regular or emergency inspection or maintenance of the computer system related to the ecosystem is necessary.
    (2) When computer systems, communication lines, or other infrastructure experiences an outage due to accidents.
    (3) When the provision or use of external systems necessary for the operation and provision of the ecosystem is disrupted.
    (4) When the operation of the ecosystem becomes impossible due to force majeure events such as fire, power outage, natural disasters, or geological changes.
    (5) In other cases where the company reasonably determines that the suspension or interruption of the ecosystem is necessary.


    The company shall not be held responsible for any disadvantages or damages incurred by the member due to this article.

    Article 19 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces)


    The member and the company declare and guarantee that they do not fall under any of the following categories at present, and also ensure that they will not fall under any of these categories in the future: gang members, former gang members within five years of leaving, quasi-members of gangs, gang-affiliated companies, extortionists, members of special intelligence violent groups, or any individuals equivalent to these (hereinafter referred to as "Anti-Social Forces"). They also declare that they do not have any of the following relationships and will not have them in the future:
    (1) Having a recognized relationship where Anti-Social Forces control management.
    (2) Having a recognized relationship where Anti-Social Forces are substantially involved in management.
    (3) Having a recognized relationship where Anti-Social Forces are unduly utilized for purposes of seeking unjust benefits for oneself, one's company, or a third party, or for causing damage to a third party.
    (4) Having a recognized relationship where funds or benefits are provided to Anti-Social Forces or involvement in similar activities is established.
    (5) Having executives or individuals substantially involved in management who are in a socially condemnable relationship with Anti-Social Forces.


    The member and the company guarantee that they will not engage in any of the following acts themselves or through third parties:
    (1) Acts of violent demands.
    (2) Acts of unjust demands exceeding legal responsibilities.
    (3) Acts of using threatening language or violence in transactions.
    (4) Acts of spreading false rumors, using deception, or exerting force to damage the credibility of the other party or hinder their business operations.
    (5) Other acts equivalent to the above.


    If it is discovered that the member or the company falls under Anti-Social Forces as defined in paragraph 1, or engages in acts defined in paragraph 1, or provides false declarations related to the provisions of paragraph 1, or guarantees, and if such discovery is made regarding acts defined in paragraph 2, the other party can terminate the ecosystem membership agreement without providing any prior notice.


    If the ecosystem membership agreement is terminated according to the preceding paragraph, both the member and the company confirm and agree that they shall not be liable for compensating any damages incurred by the other party, even if such damages are caused.

    Article 20 (Contact and Notification)

    Inquiries or other communications from members to the company regarding the ecosystem, notifications, and other communications related to changes in this agreement, as well as notifications or communications from the company to members, shall be conducted through methods designated by the company.

    Article 21 (Transfer of Position, etc.)

    Without obtaining prior written consent from the other party, neither the member nor the company shall transfer, assign, pledge, or otherwise dispose of their position under the ecosystem membership agreement or the rights or obligations based on this agreement to a third party. However, the member shall provide prior consent for the transfer of the company's position under the ecosystem membership agreement resulting from business transfers, mergers, corporate splits, or other organizational restructuring.

    Article 22 (Severability)


    Even if any provision or part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect the other parts, and the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain valid and enforceable. The member and the company agree to be bound by the modified terms of this agreement that achieve, to the extent possible, the same effect as the invalidated or unenforceable provision or part, and to make efforts to ensure the equivalent effect in line with the intent of the invalidated or unenforceable provision or part.


    Even if any provision or part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable with respect to a specific member, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability in relation to other members.

    Article 23 (Force Majeure)

    In the event that the fulfillment of the ecosystem membership agreement is hindered by natural disasters, the enactment, revision, or abolishment of laws and regulations, or other force majeure events, the company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the member due to such force majeure events, regardless of any provisions in the ecosystem membership agreement or other agreements.

    Article 24 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

    The governing law of this agreement shall be Japanese law, and for any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement, the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction as the court of first instance.

    Article 25 (Dispute Resolution)

    In cases where there are matters not provided for in this agreement or doubts regarding the interpretation of this agreement arise, the member and the company shall promptly seek resolution through consultation in accordance with the principles of good faith and fair dealing.

    Supplementary Provisions
    Enacted and enforced on June 1, 2023
    Revised on July 26, 2023

Apply here.


We look forward to your inquiries to our company from here.

Contact Form